Real Assets Investments Blog - Versus Capital

Market Update - Farmland Sector

Written by Versus Capital Investment Team | Mar 26, 2024 5:39:00 PM

There’s a reason why Bill Gates owns so much US farmland!

The United Nations (UN) reports that the global population is currently increasing by more than 67 million people annually.

As the world population grows, the amount of arable land is diminishing. As cities expand, arable land is frequently repurposed for residential, industrial, and commercial uses. Soil degradation is another serious issue.

In the US, the significant amount of high-quality arable land supporting a diverse range of crops remains highly sought after by investors. The amount of farmland acquired by investment firms surged by 231% from 2008 to mid-2023, although institutions own approximately just 1% of total US farmland.

We anticipate institutional demand for farmland will only strengthen in the coming decades, supporting US farmland values.

Contact us to learn how we provide RIAs access to this unique asset class.